Port clinton

Today was long.. and I had kind of given up on it being a good day, but things turned around at the end. It was supposed to rain all day, it didn’t. The rocks were very very tough on our feet and it was slippery again. I stepped into a foot deep puddle of mud.. which got my very wet and added a good 4 blisters. Two on my toes, two on my heel. I hiked in Crocs for two miles just for relief. So I was feeling bummed out to say the least. I decided it was an afternoon for podcasts which helped my mood. Wait wait don’t tell me and radiolab. Lifted my spirits. But then… got to town and the little spot with food and laundry and shower etc is closed on Mondays. Erg. But as I sat on the porch dirty mike and coups walked by and were headed to the fire station to ask for a ride. Long story short passed the barber on the way who gave us a lift to a near by town with a laundromat. Highlights of the evening: laundry was next to grocery so we got some fruits and veggies for dinner. More importantly it was also next to a hair salon. The ladies let me spread my tent over their bushes and shampooed/conditioned my hair. For free! I was feeling so gross and sad, and this little bit of trail magic made all that go away. She even used tea tree oil to get rid of the grease. Oh my hair smells so good. My body still stinks but I have clean clothes and clean hair. Wooooo! By the time laundry was done is was almost dark, but we managed a ride back by a really nice young guy within a block. He wanted to come help us set up our tents and everything. Mike and coups and I got back by 9 and we didn’t even set up tents because there is a pavilion with a privy and water hose.
Coffee and cookies at the barber shop in the morning. 5 miles out of town to where I meet Julia. Can’t wait!


Nice trail humor.


From nothing…


To something! 1200 miles down.

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1 Response to Port clinton

  1. John H says:

    Be nice to your sister… no 30+ day today! So glad you got some well-deserved pampering when you needed it most.

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